*CANCELED*: Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms Underlying Normative Shifts in Goal-Directed Behavior

Motivation Center 2016-2017 Speaker Series

*CANCELED*: Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms Underlying Normative Shifts in Goal-Directed Behavior

Leah Somerville, PhD
Harvard University
February 23, 2017 - 11:00am
Martin Colloquium Room

My lab's research aims to reveal how neurodevelopmentally-mediated shifts in circuit-level brain function contribute to changes in motivated, emotional, and social behavior during adolescence. My talk will feature new work that reveals how the adolescent brain is uniquely “tuned” to particular suites of motivated cues, which impacts adolescents’ inhibitory control and social decision making. Ultimately, the aims of this work are threefold: to bolster fundamental understanding of human neurodevelopment in the second decade of life, to inform relationships between circuit-level brain function and human behavioral outcomes more generally, and to gain insight into mechanisms of health risks that emerge during adolescence.