From Intuitions About Quantities to Complex Math: Why Some People Struggle with Math and Others Don't

Department of Psychology Colloquium

From Intuitions About Quantities to Complex Math: Why Some People Struggle with Math and Others Don't

Melissa Libertus, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychology
University of Pittsburgh
September 8, 2017 - 3:00pm
Martin Colloquium Center (4127 Sennott Square)

Mathematical skills are an important factor in determining career success, income, and psychological well-being. However, mathematical competence varies widely not only in adults but even in young children prior to entering formal schooling. In this talk, I will describe how children’s intuitive number sense provides a foundation for their acquisition of formal math and how variability in children’s intuitive number sense and math abilities are related to their parents’. I will close by discussing how parents’ talk about math during play may provide a possible explanation for the observed intergenerational transmissions and how this work lays important foundations for future work.