Invasive Cortical Neuroprosthetics for Sensorimotor Science and Rehabilitation

Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Panther Rehab Rounds
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Invasive Cortical Neuroprosthetics for Sensorimotor Science and Rehabilitation

Robert Gaunt, PhD
Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
University of Pittsburgh
January 18, 2017 - 7:00am
Mercy Clark B Auditorium

Robert Gaunt, PhD, joined the department as a Research Assistant Professor after completing post-doctoral training in PM&R's Rehab Neural Engineering Lab in 2010. He was promoted to Assistant Professor in 2014 and also continues to maintain a secondary appointment with the Department of Bioengineering.

Dr. Gaunt’s primary research interests are in the area of sensorimotor control and the development of neuroprosthetic devices. He works on developing methods to restore and improve bladder function using electrical stimulation of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves and on interfaces with the spinal cord and brain to monitor natural sensory activity and generate artificial sensations. These technologies will enable advanced neuroprosthetic devices with sensory capabilities.