Reward Sensitivity in Bipolar Disorder: Toward a Refined Model

Biennial Clinical Psychology Program Alumni Lazovik Lecture

Reward Sensitivity in Bipolar Disorder: Toward a Refined Model

Sheri Johnson, PhD
Professor, Department of Psychology
University of California, Berkeley
October 21, 2016 - 3:00pm
4127 Sennott Square - Martin Colloquium Room

For several decades, it has been argued that bipolar disorder is related to a dysregulation of reward sensitivity. This model has attained support from research relying on behavioral, neural, personality and cultural indices, using cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. Many facets of the reward system appear to be intact, and I will present a refined model of facets of the reward system that are stably related to bipolar disorder and others that fluctuate dynamically. Some of the stable facets appear related to the elevated accomplishment and creativity sometimes observed in bipolar disorder, whereas dynamic components appear tied to more troubling outcomes. Treatment implications will be noted.


Reception to follow in 4125 Sennott Square